
MetInfo establishment of the station steps

2012-07-17 14:36:16 admin 9
Trial operation steps
Step 1: Register Space account
Register a user account, and receive a verification message to validate the account, if not received the verification message, please contact customer service;
Step 2: the opening of the trial space
Step 3: Upload the file
Upload MetInfo enterprise website management system installation files (such as compressed upload need to be online decompression), system files can be downloaded from the official site
Step 4: Open the database
Step 5: Install the Web Site Management System
Run free third-level domain to install the system (on-line help: http://www.metinfo.cn/faq/shownews66.htm,');
Step6: to quickly configure site [Video Tutorial]
  1. Site background login tutorial: http://www.metinfo.cn/faq/shownews694.htm
  2. Web site content to add tutorial: http://www.metinfo.cn/faq/shownews699.htm
  3. Online communication configuration tutorial: http://www.metinfo.cn/faq/shownews698.htm
  4. Static page set up tutorial: http://www.metinfo.cn/faq/shownews700.htm
  5. Template installation and configuration tutorial (a): http://www.metinfo.cn/faq/shownews695.htm
  6. Template installation and configuration tutorial (b): http://www.metinfo.cn/faq/shownews696.htm
  7. Template installation and configuration tutorial (c): http://www.metinfo.cn/faq/shownews697.htm
The official opening of the steps
Need to contact m extension information to pay the fee before
Step 1: Perform trial operation of all the steps
Step 2: positive space
Step 3: register a domain name
Step 4: DNS
Step 5: binding domain
Landing space management background, add the resolved space domain
Step 6: The website for the record
Step 7: opening the mailbox



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MetInfo establishment of the station steps-Website Name
黄石市| 高邑县| 应用必备| 太和县| 阿尔山市| 深泽县| 康定县| 新野县| 安国市| 姜堰市| 沙洋县| 资源县| 昭平县| 罗山县| 尚义县| 石首市| 卓资县| 绥阳县| 定陶县| 普兰店市| 手机| 淮北市| 宜兰县| 天长市| 连州市| 高雄县| 石景山区| 建德市| 旬阳县| 木兰县| 蓝山县| 修文县| 新干县| 满洲里市| 多伦县| 偃师市| 平江县| 水富县| 克东县| 娄烦县| 新竹县|